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Teaching Learning Centre (TLC)



The Teaching-Learning Centre (TLC)


  • The Teaching-Learning Centre at DIT University established in November 2021 with an aim to provide adequate support to faculty members for upskilling themselves, to collate and disseminate information about innovative teaching pedagogies and conduct Faculty development programme and workshops.

  • Mission

    • To accelerate teaching-learning process by way of promoting independent, critical and creative thinking.
    • To enable the development of skills engaging latest technological devices as aids to teaching-learning process.
    • To help faculty in capacity building for curriculum designing and scientific assessment and evaluation.
    • To provide information about resources and events related to the enhancement of teaching and learning.
  • Vision

    • The TLC envisions developing and promoting a responsive and contemporary teaching–learning system for higher education communities and contributing to excellence in teaching and learning as an innovative and well-resourceful center with committed and professional staff through reflective research-based practice and the optimal use of technology.
  • Objectives of the Teaching Learning Centre

    • To provide teaching inputs to faculty members and doctoral students.
    • To facilitate development of teaching content, both e-content as well as digital.
    • To evolve measures to evaluate teaching performance and learning through feedback mechanisms and appraisals.
    • To collate and disseminate information on innovation pertaining to teaching/pedagogy.
    • To conduct training of faculties on teaching-learning and identified domain .
    • To conduct workshops for teachers and doctoral students on research writing and statistical analysis techniques.
    • To conduct trainings of Technical and Supporting Staff on identified aspects
    • To conduct trainings and workshop to develop academic and women leaders.

TLC Team

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    Prof. (Dr.) Hemraj Saini
    Dean Faculty Affairs, SoC
    DIT University, Dehradun
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    Faculty In-charge-TLC

    Dr. Bhavna
    Associate Professor - SoPPHI
    DIT University, Dehradun
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    Dr. Vinod K. Gupta
    Assistant Professor - SoPS
    DIT University, Dehradun
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    Dr. Gopal Kumar
    Assistant Professor - SoET
    DIT University, Dehradun
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    Dr. Sunil Ghildiyal
    Assistant Professor - SoC
    DIT University, Dehradun
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    Dr. Chetan Kumar
    Assistant Professor - SoPPHI
    DIT University, Dehradun
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    Dr. Preeti Sharma
    Assistant Professor - SoLAM
    DIT University, Dehradun
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    Ar. Meet Fatewar
    Assistant Professor - SoAD
    DIT University, Dehradun

Thrust Areas


    Keeping in view the vision, mission and objective of the Centre, TLC proposes list of activities as per the academic calendar of the university. Each activity is planned in advance with budget planning and after the event, the report of each event with reflections/outcomes prepared and reported to the management.

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    • Professional Development Programs
    • Training for PBL, OBE
    • Induction Programs
    • Orientation Programs/ Refresher Courses/FDP/SDP
    • Workshop on various themes of Teaching and Learning
    • Seminar / Conference
    • UGC/AICTE sponsored FD programs
    • Programs organized by IUCEE
    • Master classes by national and International Experts
    • Academic reflections by DIT faculty, under the ambit of DAR (DIT Academic Reflections)
    • Train the trainer’ programs to build in-house resources for delivering the requisite programs
    • TEDx talks and video lectures/series

TLC Facilities

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    • Recording & Editing facilities at the e-Learning center
    • Video Conferencing facility
    • ICT-enabled infrastructure
    • Smart classrooms
    • Access to Open-source software

E-content Development Facilities

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Activities Conducted

  • Phase I: FDP on “Effective Classroom Engagement by Enhancing Personal Effectiveness” (December 2021)

    First phase of FDP on “Effective Classroom Engagement by Enhancing Personal Effectiveness” for the Pre-assessment of participants over the theme of FDP through a set of questionnaires to understand the training needs (pertaining to classroom management and engagement).

  • Certification Program on IPR (1st -28th Feb,2022)

  • Phase II: FDP on “Effective Classroom Engagement by Enhancing Personal Effectiveness” (25th-26th March,2022)

    Second Phase of FDP on “Effective Classroom Engagement by Enhancing Personal Effectiveness” was planned with an intent to guide the faculties to identify their potential as teacher and improve their personal effectiveness for better learning of the students. Faculties for the said FDP were selected from the lot having teaching experience 0 to 4 years. To enhance the personal effectiveness of the participants for the effective classroom management and engagement, the training is designed around two aspects –

    • Training on enhancing personal effectiveness for Class Management & Engagement Skills.
    • Training on Class Delivery Skills.
  • Faculty Conclave ‘Learning by Sharing’ (25th – 31st May, 2022)

    Teaching Learning Centre, DIT University organized a Five-day Faculty Development Programme (Faculty Conclave) - ‘Learning by Sharing’ from 25th May to 31st May, 2022. The purpose of this FDP was to enable the faculty to comprehend their strength and weakness so that they can work more on the specific skill required to improve their teaching pedagogy and cultivate the social skills which are necessary for inter-departmental collaboration, professional growth and leadership. The FDP was conducted in two phases. First phase has covered the sessions on the pedagogy of Theory and Practical, both of which were held from 25th to 27th May, 2022, however, second phase covered the sessions on the pedagogy of Project/Thesis held on 30th to 31st May, 2022. The five-day program was held in the campus at the Seminar Hall, Vishwashreya Block. Thirty faculty members from various schools of DIT University were nominated by the respective Deans/Directors of various schools for sharing their best teaching and learning practices.

  • FDP on “LaTeX - A scientific Article Writing language” (20-24 June 2022)

    Teaching Learning Centre (TLC), DIT University, organized a Five days Faculty Development Programme on "Learning LaTeX for Research writing" from 20th June-24th June'2022. The objective of this FDP was to train the faculty members and researcher scholars on the research writing tool “LaTeX”. Overall, 33 registered participants attended the FDP.

  • Training Session on Designing and Development of MOOCs (28-29 February 2024)


Upcoming Events

    • Course File Presentations
    • Phase-III: FDP on “Effective Classroom Engagement by Enhancing Personal Effectiveness
    • IUCEE Training on "Project Based Learning"-Phase 1
    • IUCEE Training on "Project Based Learning"-Phase 2
    • Faculty Induction Programme
    • FDP on "Dealing with different levels of Learners: The Counselling & Mentoring skills for teachers
    • Academic Leadership Workshop

Contact Details:

  • Dr. Bhavna
    Associate Professor – SoPPHI
    Faculty In-charge-TLC
    DIT University
    Mussourie-Diversion Road, Dehradun, Uttarakhand-248009, India
    Phone No. (M): 7500367740
    Email: [email protected]

  • Prof. (Dr.) Hemraj Saini
    Dean Faculty Affairs
    DIT University
    Mussourie-Diversion Road, Dehradun, Uttarakhand-248009, India
    Phone No. (M): 8894969853
    Email: [email protected]