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DIT College of Nursing

  • About DIT College of Nursing

    The Nursing programme is a formal educational preparation which is based on sound educational principles as the foundation on which the practice of nursing is built. Health is a state of well-being that enables a person to lead a psychologically, socially and economically productive life. Health is a right of all the people. Individuals, families and communities have a responsibility towards maintaining their health. Scope of nursing practice encompasses provision of preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative aspects of care to people across their life span in wide variety of health care settings.

    The B.Sc. nursing degree program is a four-year fulltime program comprising eight semesters, Facilities are provided to students for clinical experiences under the guidance of faculty in various clinical and community settings. Upon the completion of the B.Sc nursing programmes, the following career opportunities are open for the graduates:

    1. Hospital Staff nurse
    2. School Health Nurse
    3. Industrial Nurse
    4. Public Health Nurse
    5. Long Care Home Nurse
    6. Nursing Tutor in Schools/Colleges of Nursing

    It adopts credit system and semester system as per INC guidelines. The program encompasses foundational, core and elective courses. The choice-based system is applicable to electives only and is offered in the form of modules. Modular learning is also integrated in the foundational as well as core courses that is mandatory.

    Practice of nursing is based upon application of basic concepts and principles derived from the physical, biological and behavioural sciences, medicine and nursing. We the faculty at DIT College of Nursing believe that modern nursing is a dynamic, therapeutic and educative process in meeting the health needs of the individuals, family and the community. Our education should be self-directed learning and foster an attitude of lifelong learning and bring all round development of the individual.

  • Mission

    • Provide exemplary and innovative education, research, practice, service, and leadership that improves state, national, and global health.
    • Act as catalysts for augmenting health by integrating research, education. and practice, enabled by data driven decision-making
  • Vision

    • To “Empower in Excellence” in nursing education at the global level through quality approach, professional development and research.
  • Program Highlights:

    • The program mainly focuses on Promoting human values, ethics and healthy practices in professionalism.
    • Facilitate individuals, families and groups in achieving the maximum state of well-being through education of highly skilled nurses, Students can communicate effectively with individuals and groups, and members of the health team in order to promote effective interpersonal relationships and teamwork.
    • Provide promotive, preventive and restorative health services in line with the national health.
  • Program

    • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.Sc. Nursing) - (View more details Click here)
    • Duration: 04 Years
    • Last date for online submission of application: to be announce
    • Date of Entrance Exam: to be announce
    • Exam Center: DIT University Campus

    • Fundamental of nursing Lab

      Nursing foundation lab is one which makes the imagination of hospital setup Also aimed at helping the students to acquire knowledge, understanding and skills in technique of nursing practice.

    • Maternal and Child Health Nursing Lab

      The MCH Lab is equipped with maternity examination model, gynaecological examination model, delivery model, charts & other equipment. Child Health Lab is having models, charts & various play therapy material.

    • Anatomy & Physiology Lab

      The Anatomy & Physiology lab is to introduce the structure and function of the human body. It deals with the study of cells, tissues and membranes that make up our bodies and how our major systems function to help us develop.

    • Nutrition Lab

      The purpose of the Nutrition lab is to provide students with basic overview on culinary food principles and preparation of different types of patient’s food like, Diabetic diet, Kidney failure diet & Obesity diet etc.