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Department of Physics

  • Musings...

    As the world is striving ahead to develop emerging technologies, Physics offers a solid foundation and essential skills to embrace accelerating paces in science and technology. The Department of physics is established in 1998. Over the last two and half decades, we have grown our expertise and competence in providing solutions to engineering branches and established Bachelor (B.Sc. (Honours) Physics), Master (M.Sc. in Physics with specialization in electronics) and Doctorate (Ph.D. Physics) programs & curricula in core and Applied Physics. The department’s greatest resources are the students that fill its classrooms and state-of-the-art facilities, at present department a has good number of students and research scholars

    To accomplish the goals and strengthen the teaching-learning process, the Department of Physics has distinguished faculty in core/applied experimental and theoretical physics with a doctoral degree from France, IITs, IISER, Delhi University, Thapar University and Post-Doctoral experiences from Japan, the UK, France, Germany, South Korea and IITs.

    Department of Physics has well-established two centers of excellence, Advanced Functional Smart Materials & Materials and Nano Engineering Research. Department received more than 80 Lakhs funding via sponsored projects (SERB and DRDO) and seed money grants in the last five years. Department of Physics is thriving to carry out collaborative, inter/ transdisciplinary research in the cutting-edge areas.

    Students of the Department of Physics are placed in LIDO Learning, People Scout, Intellipaat, and pursuing higher studies in North Dakota State University USA, IIT Kanpur, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, Delhi University, and Panjab University BHU, Lucknow University for master and PhD programs.

  • On behalf of the Department of Physics, I welcome you all to be a part of our department. We as a Department and Institution are committed to imparting knowledge, nurturing young minds and solving technological challenges of society. We look forward to being one important factor in your growth.

    Dr. Ravi K. Shukla

  • Profile

    Dr. Ravi Kumar Shukla, Head, the Department of Physics, School of Physical Sciences, DIT University, joined this department in 2014. He has done his Ph.D. in Physics from Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab and Post Doctorate from Technical University Darmstadt, Germany. Dr. Shukla is involved in teaching, research and many administrative responsibilities. He is teaching various Physics courses to Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Sc. and B. Tech. level students. On research front, Dr. Shukla is actively working in the field of soft materials, nanocolloids, nanostructured materials, carbon-based materials, graphene based liquid crystals, dye degradation and adsorption and water purification technologies, polymers and polymer nanocomposites, antibacterial activities of liquid crystals and their hybrids.

    Dr. Shukla is founder member and coordinator of Advanced Functional Smart Materials Centre of Excellence. He has completed one SERB/ DST sponsored project (Rs. 39.3 Lakhs) and DRDO sponsored project (Rs. 21.2 lakhs) as a Co-PI and also completed many seed money projects. Dr. Shukla published about 50 papers in WOS/Scopus journals of repute. He has considerable h index-13 and i10 index -16. Dr. Shukla is serving as a reviewer for DST, National Science Centre, Poland, ACS, RSC, Elsevier, Tylor and Frances, springer etc. He has active collaboration with renowned national and international labs and institutes like NSDU, U.S.A., The Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, NIT Jalandhar etc.

  • Mission

    • To emerge as a centre of research in areas relevant to industry and provide effective pedagogy by enabling student faculty discussions both within and outside classroom hours.
    • To enhance and update the students’ problem-solving capabilities in core areas of theoretical physics and encouraging student research in experimental physics.
    • To develop effective collaborations with universities, institutes globally to facilitate exchange of both research and teaching which would be mutually beneficial.
  • Vision

    • To be an epicentre of learning, teaching and research through active engagement of faculty and students in the areas of physics which can improve and enrich the society at large.

  • About the Department

    The department of Physics offers B.Sc. (Hons) Physics, M.Sc. Physics with specialization in Electronics and Ph.D. in Physics. If your aim is to become an innovative researcher by learning how to analyse or think critically about various laws of Physics, or you want to explore the vast field of Physics, then this department is the perfect platform. The curriculum is designed with choice based credit systems (CBCS) & fully flexible choice-based credit systems (FFCBCS) to offer students holistic education with multiple options in core, electives, skill, ability, employability courses. Focus on new technologies, nanotechnology, renewable energy, device applications, physics for computation, quantum computation & modelling, artificial intelligence, data sciences, machine learning, advanced computer languages and software is also paid. The department is also equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories offering a wide range of sophisticated experimental facilities to compliment classroom teaching and hands-on training with well-equipped labs, seminar and minor and major research projects and summer internships during UG and PG degrees.

  • The department has active research groups in experimental and theoretical physics and two well equipped centre of excellence. Faculties are working in the cutting-edge areas of nanoscience, smart and functional materials, multiferroics, soft materials and nanocolloids, carbon-based materials, 2D materials and composites, water purification, energy harvesting and storage, open quantum systems and quantum optics. Faculty members are servers as a reviewer for various peer-reviewed WoS/Scopus indexed journals and organize various national & international conferences/symposiums/ workshops/ summer schools. Faculties are the members of many national and international societies, and boards, and have working lab collaboration with national and international institutes of reputes. Department published an average of 15 research articles in WoS/Scopus Journals per year.

    Curricular and co-curricular activities are planed time to time to give students insight about new technologies and also provided a forum to explore the innovative ideas of young budding minds. Students from this department are able to cater to opportunities all over the world.

  • Laboratories

    The Department has equipped state-of-the-art laboratories supervised by experienced faculty members. There are trained technicians to help the students in performing the experiments.


    The Engineering Physics laboratories of DIT University have contemporary setups with spacious practical training areas for all engineering students. These labs have a total covered area of more than 250 square meters with a separate dark room for performing various optics experiments. There are around 48 experimental setups for 28 experiments. These relate to the field of optics, fiber optics, heat, electricity & magnetism, mechanics, electronics and modern physics, thereby covering the entire span of the syllabus. The study materials of all these experiments for reference by the students are available in the Department of Physics. The laboratory caters to the students of B.Tech registered under any of the Physics courses viz., Wave, Optics and Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Introduction to Mechanics, Introduction to Electromagnetic Theory and Engineering Physics.

  • Wave and Optics Lab

    The Wave and Optics Laboratory is well equipped for the B.Sc. (H) Physics students and has setups like Melde’s Apparatus, Sonometer, Spectrometers, Polarimeter, Newton’s Rings, Fresnel’s Biprism, Single Slit Diffraction, Malus Law, Numerical Aperture etc.

  • Electricity and Magnetism Lab

    The Electricity and Magnetism Laboratory has the experimental setups for the verification of Network Theorems, different types of Bridges, charging and discharging study of a capacitor, Carey Foster etc.

  • Mechanics Lab

    The Mechanics Laboratory has been established in the department for the students of B.Sc (Honors) Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. The laboratory covers all the major experiments based on the principles of mechanics like Fly Wheel, Maxwell’s needle, Searle’s method, Bar Pendulum, Kater’s Pendulum, Bending of beam and many more.

  • Modern Physics Lab

    The Modern Physics Laboratory in Department of Physics has been equipped with the experiments like e/m by Thomson Method, atomic spectra of a 2 electron system, Lande's g factor using electron spin resonance spectrometer, wavelength of H-alpha emission line of Hydrogen atom, work function of material of filament of directly heated vacuum diode, Photo-electric effect, Planck’s constant using Black body radiation and LEDs, ionization potential of mercury etc.

  • Thermal Physics Lab

    The Thermal Physics Laboratory has been set up in the department as a part of the curriculum of B.Sc (H) Physics students. All the foremost experiments based on heat and thermodynamics has been installed to make a better understanding of the concepts. The experiments include Callender and Barne’s constant flow method, Searle’s Apparatus, Angstrom’s Method, Lee and Charlton’s disc method, variation of Thermo-Emf of a Thermocouple with Difference of Temperature, Temperature Coefficient of Resistance by Platinum Resistance Thermometer (PRT) etc.

  • Solid State Physics Lab

    Solid State Physics lab has been setup for BSc (H) Physics students. This laboratory is equipped with sophisticated experimental setups that include Hall Effect Setup, Four probe setup, Quinck`s Tube method, Gouy's method, PE& BH curve for ferroelectric crystal etc.

  • M.Sc. Physics Lab

    The M.Sc Physics Laboratory has been set up and this state of art laboratory provides a hands-on experience to the students in experiments related to the different courses being taught to them. This laboratory includes experiments from the fields of condensed matter physics and materials sciences, atomic and molecular spectroscopy, electronics, fibre optics and photonics etc.

  • Centre of Excellence - Advanced Functional Smart Materials

    Centre of excellence on Advanced Functional Materials is being established by Department of Physics. The primary goal of this centre is to provide state-of-the-art facilities to in-campus and outside users from various universities, academia, industries and society. This COE is currently engaged in the cutting-edge research of Soft materials and nanocolloids, green technologies and energy harvesting, purification & dye degradation, carbon nanomaterials and graphene for water purification. The facilities available in this COE are centrifugal Unit, hydrothermal reactor, photocatalytic reactors, UV-Visible spectrophotometer, Polarizing Optical Microscope, electro-optical and polarization measurements etc.

  • Centre of Excellence - Materials Science and Nano Engineering

    A Centre of Excellence on Materials Science and Nano Engineering is being established by Department of Physics to cater to the students at UG, PG and PhD level to pursue their research work in the field of materials science at bulk and nano scale. The COE will provide state-of-the-art facilities such as computer controlled LCR meter, DC Poling unit, Thin Film Deposition by Dip Coating unit, muffle furnace, Magnetic Tc measurement setup (by Sohoo’s Drop Method) etc.