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Department of Humanities & Liberal Arts

  • Research


  • Group 1- English

    Group Members: Dr. Vijay Negi & Dr. Sakshi Semwal & Dr. Deepesh Thakur

    This group is involved in research in English Literature and Language. Members of the group are working on topics related to various contemporary issues in literature. The major areas of their research includes: Diasporic Literature, Parsi Literature, Canadian Literature, South Asian Literature, Indian Writing in English, English Language Teaching, Afro-American Literature African Literature, Post Colonial Literature, Contemporary Literature, Linguistics, Theater and film studies Tribal Folklore, Cultural Criticism, Translation Studies.

  • Group 2- Psychology

    Group Members: Dr. Arun &Dr. Vikas Sharma

    This group is involved in research in the field of Psychology. The major areas of their research includes: Yoga Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Indian Psychology, Health Psychology, Psycho-oncology.

  • Group 3- Economics

    Group Members: Dr. Ajay Kumar & Dr. Sanjaya Kumar Lenka

    This group is involved in research in the field of Economics. Their research has been published in a book, book chapters, and articles in internationally reputed journals including a couple of journals published by Taylor Francis, Springer, Emerald Group, Project Muse and Romanian Economic Association, etc. Members of the group are involved in the research field of Food security, Agriculture Economics, Development Finance especially financial inclusion, financial development, digital economy, Environmental Economics, Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality, International Trade, etc.