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Department of Electrical and Electronics & Communication Engineering

  • Akashdeep Chakraborty & Gaurang Divedi, BTech (ECE) 3rd year students have built a SPOTMINI 4-LEG ROBOT

  • DIT University students, Akashdeep Chakraborty and Gaurang Divedi, have built a SpotMini 4-leg robot that can probably trot around office and even climb the stairs! The inventor duo, both third-year students of B.Tech (ECE), are applying for a copyright and even planning to extend the project to a full flash SpotMini robot. Interestingly, similar types of robots are being developed by Boston Dynamics with DAPRA, USA. In a bid to provide students with the right lab facilities for such projects, DIT University’s Department of Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering is planning to establish a dedicated lab for Smart & Intelligent Embedded Systems for Bio-Medical and IoT Applications.
    #hereatDIT #achieversclub #leadersoftomorrow #schoolofengineering #electricalengineering #electronicsandcommunications #biomedicalapplications # IoTapplications
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