The first thing that comes to our mind when we hear the term Education is Degree, Diploma, certifications and more. We are losing out on the essence of education, which is Knowledge, Learning, and Development of an individual’s being.

It is rightly said that education is the most powerful weapon as it is something which once gained cannot be lost. In today’s era, it is the need of the hour to relook into the pattern of education that is being imparted. Till the time of secondary education, the focus is laid only on how much a student scores and gets admission in which university. However, we need to understand that we cannot judge an individual’s competence only by the numbers scored by him\her. We need to understand the diversity of each student, their expertise in different fields, their creativity and the desire that they hold in themselves.
Keeping in mind, the indispensable concepts,
DIT University has designed its education
program in a unique method. We try to understand the USP of each student and then direct them towards the right track. We do focus on the necessary concepts that a student should know about but we also make sure that the students don’t face any issues while applying this knowledge. First, an understanding of the theoretical notions is given to students and later they get a hands-on experience of the same. We ensure this by regular industry visit, interactions with the business class and service class people and in house role-play activities.

Fully accessible resources and technologies are available to make the sessions engaging and interactive. We not only provide plenty of content from different sources but also a good measure of fun learning activities. A number of departments prepare seminars by eminent speakers on subjects of academic interest to take the students a step above classroom teaching. The culture of the university allows the students to be ready for any unpredictable situation that may come in their path. The students give importance to the norms and values of the Indian culture and participate actively in any patriotic events in and around the city.

Education and extra-curricular activities are given equal importance in the college. Activities are organized not only for recreational purposes but also we have professional coaches and trainers who can assist the students in making a brighter future. From orphanage visits to the publication of quarterly newsletters, the University has a club for any arena you can think of. Be it a pharmacy club, technical club, practical learning club, DIT Motoracing, editorial board, music club, out of the box thinking, spic macay or red ribbon everything is organized and run by the students which build confidence in them for future.

Our aim is to develop the overall personality of the students to transform them into successful individuals. We, therefore, have soft skills training, personality development, regular counselling sessions, etc. so that our students, not only have a bright career but also imbibe a positive approach towards different phases of life. There is a college fest, Youthopia, which is one of the most happening events in the city of Dehradun, which is strategized by the students under the guidance and supervision of our proficient faculty members. Faculty members act more like friends to the students which bridges the understanding gap between the two generations.

DIT University can proudly say that they have shaped a perfect balance of discipline and liberty in its atmosphere. During their stay with us, our scholars are trained to be virtuous decision makers and the right to make their own choices rests with them. We don’t force students to attend classes only for the attendance, instead, we create value in our session given, so that they are self-motivated to be a part of it. Once they believe that the sessions help them in attaining knowledge for them to advance their proficiency, they naturally become responsible and are keen on joining the lessons. The University takes the task of educating young men and women in training them to be responsible and accountable, to achieve their positions in a competitive world.

It is correctly mentioned in a study done by experts, that the external environment of the college is something which impacts the learning curve of the students. DIT University is in a lush 21-acre campus with a peaceful environment which ensures the students to concentrate on their key areas. The buildings stand tall on a solid rock of the Himalayan range with proper segmentation of different departments like the administrative block, multi-purpose auditorium, and libraries which are home to 10,000+ books. Set in the grounds is an amphitheater, cricket, lawn tennis, football, basketball fields.

People from different walks of life learn together, thereby understanding the struggles of each other which makes them more humanitarian and sensitive to the needs of others. We disapprove any kind of biasedness in our college and our scholars are brought up in a manner where they do not discriminate among themselves or from the students of other colleges. They are given the freedom to have their own opinion without disapproving other’s outlook. In quest of an inclusive development model, we craft and sustain an institutional ethos for multi-cultural thinking, freedom to learn, experiment, question, and innovate by developing critical and cognitive faculties.
To sum it up, education in DIT University focusses at the curricular, psychological, social, emotional, cognitive and overall development of the students. Education is a progressive discovery which should be imparted in a well-designed manner. We empower our students to recognize their potential so that they evolve as frontrunners who transform and make a noteworthy contribution in all spheres of national and global life. Above all, we believe in adopting advanced education technologies so that our students don’t miss out on any learning opportunities. We don’t teach our students but we make them learn by creating a hunger in their minds for knowledge. Formal education can earn one a living but self-education can help one make a fortune. We educate to promote peace and harmony which are necessary for the developing economy in a democratic country.