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Nov 2022

Appendix Guidelines for Writing Project Report /Thesis/dissertation


         Size                                        :          A4

        Normal Text Size                  :          Times New Roman, font size 12.

        Heading Text Size               :          Times New Roman, font size 14 (Bold face)

        Sub-Heading Text Size      :         Times New Roman, font size 12 (Bold face)

        Margins                               :       1.5 inches on the left and top, 1 inch at the

                                                               bottom and 1 inch on the right

        Paragraph                          :       At Double Spacing

        Line Spacing                      :      1.5 spacing is to be provided throughout

                                                             the Thesis.

        Page number                    :        Bottom center of each page.

        Binding                             :       Hard bound with specified color coding.


  1. Front Cover Page (with golden Embossing)
  2. Inner Cover Page (identical to Cover Page)
  3. Declaration by the Candidate
  4. Certificate of the Supervisor(s)/Guide(s)
  5. Certificate by the external organization (if applicable)
  6. List of Abbreviations/ Symbols/Glossary
  7. Acknowledgement
  8. Abstract
  9. List of tables, figures and photographs
  10. Contents.
Note: The numbering of initial pages shall be in roman numbers.


  1. Starting with chapter on Introduction and to be concluded with a chapter on Conclusion, & Recommendations for future work.
  2. References
  3. Bibliography
  4. List of Publications (if any)
  5. Appendices.
Note: The numbering of main chapter pages will be in numeric numbers.

4. Colour Coding For Cover Pages

  • B Tech/B Arch/B Pharm    : Black
  • MBA / MCA / M Tech       : Royal Blue

Template for Front Cover Page and Inner Cover Page

A Project Report/Thesis/Dissertation



Submitted for the award of the Degree of

Name of Degree


Name of the Discipline


Name of the Candidate

Under the Supervision/Guidance of

Name of the Supervisor(s)/Guide(s)

Designation and affiliating University/Organization


Month & Year


Template for Declaration by the Candidate


This is to certify that the Project / Thesis / Dissertation entitled“……………………………………….” in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree of ………………………………… in………………………………………………….., submitted to DIT University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, is an authentic record of bonafide work carried out by me, under the supervision /guidance of ………………………….. The matter embodied in this Project/Thesis/Dissertation has not been submitted for the award of any other degree or diploma to any University/Institution.


                                                                                                                                                        Name of Candidate

                                                                                                                                                       Roll No:

Date: Place: Dehradun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Template for Certificate of Supervisor/Guide


This is to certify that the Project / Thesis / Dissertation entitled “……………………………………….” in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree ………………………………………..in ……………………………, submitted to DIT University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, is an authentic record of bonafide research work carried out by Mr/Ms.………………………………………Roll No.………………….. under my supervision/ guidance.                                                                                                                                 Signature and Name of                                                                                                                                 Supervisor(s)/Guide Date: Place: Dehradun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Template for References and Bibliography

References/ Bibliography:

(i) Standard journal article: Vournas C.D., “Second order hydraulic turbine models for multi machine stability studies”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol 5, No. 3, pp.239–44, 1990. (ii) Books (in case of reference): Kundur P., “Power system stability and control”, New York: Mc Graw-Hill; pp.239–44, 1994. (iii) Conference proceedings: Singh S.P, Nand Kishor, R.P. Saini, “Nonlinear decentralized robust governor control for hydro turbine- generator sets of multi-machine system”, 3rd World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Jaipur, vol. 1, pp. 45–52, 2000. (iv) Books (in case of Bibliography): Kundur P., “Power system stability and control”, New York: Mc Graw-Hill; 1994.
The references/bibliography shall appear in the sequence in which the same are referred in the Dissertation/Project.