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+91 7217039845
Request Information
MA Economics
About Program
The M.A. in Economics in DIT University is a two-year program. It prepares the students with advanced knowledge in economic theory and quantitative skills required for an economic/policy analyst working in the industry, central bank, or government. The rigorous curriculum provides a thorough understanding of fundamental economic principles, application of mathematical methods and modelling, and the use of computer software for large-scale data analysis. The students are required to write an original research paper during the second year of the Master’s program which serves as a platform to apply their theoretical knowledge and quantitative skills using advanced statistical software. The program encourages internship opportunities after the first year so that students have acquaintance with industry skills before graduating. Students are individually cared for and supported by the highly experienced Economics faculty members, who have received their Ph.Ds. from the top institutions in India and abroad.
Scope of the Program
Students graduating with a M.A. in Economics degree can go on to work as an Economic Analyst, Market Analyst, Financial analyst, or Policy analyst. Interested students can pursue careers in the public sector with jobs in the Reserve Bank of India, Policy Institutes, or prepare for the Indian Economic Service. Advanced students can enrol for Ph.D. programmes in the top Universities in the world.
M.Tech in Electrical Engineering with Specialization in Power System
M.Tech in Civil Engineering with specialization in Structural Engineering
M.Tech in Civil Engineering with specialization in Transportation Engg.
M.Tech in Civil Engineering with specialization in Water Resource Engineering
M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering
M.Plan (Urban and Regional Planning)
Master in Design-UX in collaboration with IMAGINXP
Computer Applications
Master Of Computer Applications
Physical Sciences
M.Sc in Physics with Specialization in Electronics
M.Sc Chemistry
M.Sc Mathematics
Masters in Business Administration
M.Pharm Pharmaceutics
M.Pharm. Pharmacology
Humanities & Liberal Arts
MA Clinical Psychology
MA Economics
MA English
The course is designed to develop the quantitative and analytical skills of the students by exposing them to data science software, R and Python etc.
Econometrics Lab can access data from International and National Institutions like the World Bank, IMF, WTO, RBI, NITI Aayog and NSSO.
Faculty members have published in top research journals.
Students will be placed as junior economists, research assistants, business analysts, market analysts and policy analysts.
Apply Now
+91 7217039845
+91 7217039845
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